
Graphnet Health provides transformational population health, analytics, shared care record, remote monitoring, and care co-ordination programmes to the NHS and social care. Over 17m citizens currently benefit from planned care using Graphnet population health management, with the expectation that this will increase to 22m by 2025. Graphnet’s shared care record solutions hold records for 20 million people in England.

Developed over 25 years, Graphnet solutions identify cohorts of patients that would benefit from a changed care pathway, support improved care pathways with tools such as remote monitoring and care co-ordination, make integrated medical records available to clinicians and patients, and - using data from all care settings - measures the impact of improvements to pathways in real time.

The work being undertaken by Graphnet Health, and its many health and social care partners is helping to tackle waiting lists, reduce hospital admissions and visits to A&E, lessen health inequalities, and provide more personalised care – including care at home. The tools are used across all care settings and many pathways, with examples including heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, serious mental health issues, frailty, and the remote monitoring of patients with long term conditions.

The results are startling, with patients on programmes seeing improvements of 30% + in terms of A&E attendances, admissions, face to face contacts and length of stay. This allows Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to focus activities where they are most needed, deliver earlier and more targeted interventions and deliver improved outcomes for their patients at a much lower cost.

For more information on Graphnet Health, its solutions, and what makes the business unique, please visit